Shipment Compliance

Do I need SFDA Certification for Exporting Cosmetics and Perfumery Products to Saudi Arabia?

All types of Cosmetics and Perfumery Products under the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) require a mandatory Certificate of Conformity (CoC) to enable them to be cleared through Saudi Customs. They shall meet the following requirements of Saudi Law, Standards and Regulations including:

Registration with Saudi Authorities

  • The Importer must have an account with the SFDA and the Cosmetics and Perfumery Products must be notified on GHAD.
  • The Importer must have a valid Commercial Registration Certificate which includes Cosmetics Trade as a registered commercial activity.

Laws, Regulations and Standards

  • Cosmetics and Perfumery Products must meet the Standards and other Requirements as stipulated by the SFDA
  • Cosmetics and Perfumery Products intended for the Saudi market shall be in compliance with the requirements of GSO 1943/2016 “Safety Requirements of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products” and of GSO 2528/2016 “Cosmetic Products - Technical Regulation of Cosmetic and Personal Care Products Claims”.

The main Cosmetics and Perfumery products regulatory requirements are:

  • Compliance to GSO 1943 (Safety of Cosmetics) and GSO 2528 (Cosmetic Products Claims)
  • Absence of pork or derivatives in products
  • Labelling should be in Arabic language
  • Medical claims are not allowed
  • Product visuals and advertising material shall not be offensive to social customs
  • Specifications on alcohol-based products: prohibition on alcohol in mouthwash, specific classification for alcohol-based hand sanitizers

Marking and Labelling Requirements

  • Marking and Labelling information such as Function, Instructions for Storage and Use, and Warnings shall be in Arabic language. Other Languages may be used in additional to the Arabic marking and labeling provided that the information written in these languages is equivalent to the information written in Arabic text.
  • Marking and Labelling must comply with GSO 1943/2016 requirements, that stresses on both consumer information and respect of Saudi Customs and Islamic values (offensive imagery, contents shall be avoided).

GHAD Notification

The cosmetic notification system is mainly responsible for the configuration of implementation of the regulations over Cosmetics and Perfumery Products manufacturing, importation and marketing processes that were mandated through the eCosma system. The eCosma Platform was replaced by SFDA’s GHAD system in March 2023. The GHAD system is divided into many sections. These different sections are: Clearance, Domestic Manufacture Licensing and Warehouse Licensing, Product Notification besides issuance of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate for the local manufacturer.

  • Cosmetics and Perfumery Products must be notified and approved on the SFDA's GHAD system.

Intertek can facilitate GHAD notification for Cosmetics and Perfumery Products and notifying Manufacturing locations at a fee.

FASEH facilitation

Importers shall raise consignment Certification requests in the FASEH system. Alternatively, Importers can also nominate Intertek as authorised representatives to facilitate the raising of the consignment Certification requests in the FASEH system on their behalf.

Additional Documentation:

The following Shipment information related to the Cosmetics and Perfumery product consignments is required at the time of requesting shipment certification in the FASEH system:

  • Shipments Policy date/AWB date
  • Country of Supply
  • Arrival Port in KSA
  • Lot No.
  • Shipment Invoice No.
  • Shipment Invoice Date
  • HS Code (per product)
  • Product description
  • Product Quantity
  • Weight (per product)
  • Measurement Unit of the Product
  • GHAD No.
  • Batch No. (per product)
Saudi Business Export Guide
Resource Centre